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March 2015

Bart Morris

March 29, 2015

The Land

Our livelihood depends on the health and resilience of the land where we graze our herds. Though we value our livestock and strive to give them the highest standard of care, we believe our most important task is the good stewardship of the streams, foothills, forests and grasslands where we work. We partner with local organizations to protect our land from urban development, to repair creeks and riparian areas and to reestablish native flora and fauna.

We also utilize cover crops, which facilitate carbon sequestration by providing organic matter for the soil, which then provides a microbiome for the microbes that provide a healthy ecosystem for the grass, and in turn, the cows. We mimic natural grazing behavior by rotating our cattle frequently, often daily, providing ample fertilizer and long rest time to strengthen the grass, roots, and biodiversity in the land.

We feel very fortunate to graze our cows on such varied terrain in multiple locations. From our headquarters at Miller Creek with its flood irrigation and subirrigated drainage right next to urban sprawl to our lease on the Sapphire Ranch with its hills of native grasses and river basin full of moose, bear and elk, our cattle experience a wide range of what Montana has to offer. We love adapting to and working with our land to benefit and strengthen its biodiversity, resiliency, and habitats for all of its inhabitants, bovine and otherwise.


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